Greening Up My Act
For skeptics of sustainable products, learn how to spot greenwashing in the wild. This sustainability podcast is hosted by two marketing writers — Kat and Tiff — who reveal the sneaky tactics brands use so you can avoid getting tricked by green hooey.
Greening Up My Act
Anti-Black Friday 2024: How to Survive the Holidays When Your Brain is a Mashed Potato
Ready or not, the holidays are upon us. Get tips on how to make it through this season without going into debt (emotional or economic) in our annual anti-Black Friday gift guide.
We wish you a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season full of light, warmth, and love.
Season 6 starts early January 2025!
- CNBC - What Not to Buy This Year- https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/26/black-friday-and-cyber-monday-are-here-what-not-to-buy-this-year.html
- ABC - Black Friday's History - https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/black-fridays-history-tells-us-holiday-shopping-2024-116228668
- Charles Schwab - Three Ways to Avoid Doom Spending - https://www.aboutschwab.com/mss/story/three-ways-to-avoid-doom-spending
- The Money Love Podcast - https://overcomingoverspending.com/podcast
Local artists and small business gift ideas:
- Dan Wolff's Side Questers comic book - https://ko-fi.com/s/e708ed6327
- Clohnart by John Lee - https://www.clohnart.com/
- Pet Portraits by Caitlin - https://www.petportraitsbycaitlin.com/
- Kat's fiction - https://katcox.com/portfolio/fiction
- Akaimi the Artist - https://www.akaimi.art/
- Buy a gift subscription to our Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/GreeningUpMyAct/gift
Patreon: patreon.com/greeningupmyact
Instagram: @greeningupmyact
Facebook: Greening Up My Act
Email us with questions: greeningupmyact@gmail.com
YouTube: Greening Up My Act