Greening Up My Act
For skeptics of sustainable products, learn how to spot greenwashing in the wild. This sustainability podcast is hosted by two marketing writers — Kat and Tiff — who reveal the sneaky tactics brands use so you can avoid getting tricked by green hooey.
Greening Up My Act
Is It Better to Bike?
Kat Cox & Tiffany Verbeck
How much of an impact can you make on carbon emissions by choosing to ride your bicycle instead of driving? And is it always the best choice? Kat and Tiff put their bike helmets back on to discuss the pros and cons of being a bike commuter (or casual rider) in America.
- UCLA Transportation - How Riding a Bike Benefits the Environment - https://transportation.ucla.edu/blog/how-bike-riding-benefits-environment
- Bicycling for Beginners - REI - https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/getting-into-biking.html
- Is cycling safe? - Harvard News - https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/is-cycling-safe-in-many-cases-the-answer-is-no
- How Much Does a Bike Cost? - BuyCycle.com - https://buycycle.com/blog/en/post/how-much-does-a-bike-cost/
- Car, bike or motorcycle? Depends on where you live - Pew Research Center - https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/04/16/car-bike-or-motorcycle-depends-on-where-you-live/
Secondary sources
- How being a cyclist is like being a woman - Kat Cox - https://medium.com/@pqhaattte/how-being-a-cyclist-is-like-being-a-woman-1abbeeeac118
- Cycling is bad for the environment - Velo by Outside Mag - https://velo.outsideonline.com/road/must-read-cycling-is-bad-for-the-environment/
- IRS Commuter Benefits - TRPC - chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.trpc.org/DocumentCenter/View/4213/IRS-Commuter-Benefits?bidId=#:~:text=%E2%80%9CQualified%20bicycle%20commuting%20reimbursement%E2%80%9D%20means,employee's%20residence%20and%20place%20of
- National Bicycling and Walking Study - US Dept of Transportation Federal Highway Administration - https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ped_bike/docs/case15.pdf (January 1993)
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Does the earth-friendly message need to come back to earth? OR How cycling is like being a woman