Greening Up My Act
For skeptics of sustainable products, learn how to spot greenwashing in the wild. This sustainability podcast is hosted by two marketing writers — Kat and Tiff — who reveal the sneaky tactics brands use so you can avoid getting tricked by green hooey.
Greening Up My Act
What Are You Supposed to Do With Compost?
Episode 47
Where exactly do you put compost? If you're as lost as Tiffany and Kat were, learn 9 easy ways to use compost. Whether you buy compost or make it, your favorite sustainability podcast is here to bring you all the tips on adding it to your indoor and outdoor plants.
- NYC Compost Project: https://earthmatter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/tip-sheet-how-to-use-compost-cpts-htuc-f.pdf
- Oregon State Uni. Extension: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/pub/em-9308-how-use-compost-gardens-landscapes
- Better Homes and Gardens: https://www.bhg.com/how-to-use-compost-7372129
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