Greening Up My Act
For skeptics of sustainable products, learn how to spot greenwashing in the wild. This sustainability podcast is hosted by two marketing writers — Kat and Tiff — who reveal the sneaky tactics brands use so you can avoid getting tricked by green hooey.
Greening Up My Act
Hardscaping: Part of a Balanced Landscaping Breakfast
Kat Cox & Tiffany Verbeck
Episode 40
Hardscaping isn't one of those flashy lawn replacement movements that you hear about on Instagram, but it's got some pretty interesting benefits. Listen as Kat and Tiff walk you through this underrated aspect of sustainable landscaping.
- The Spruce - What is Hardscape? https://www.thespruce.com/what-is-hardscape-2131060
- Ernest Maier - 7 Benefits of Adding Hardscaping to Your Outdoor Living - https://ernestmaier.com/7-benefits-of-adding-hardscaping-to-your-outdoor-living/
- Unit Paving - A Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Hardscape Design - https://unitpaving.com/a-beginners-guide-to-sustainable-hardscape-design
- EPA - Greenscaping Brochure - https://archive.epa.gov/wastes/conserve/tools/greenscapes/web/html/brochure.html
- Water Conservation for Lawn and Landscape - Using Sustainable Hardscaping Materials - https://landscape-water-conservation.extension.org/using-sustainable-hardscape-materials
- Austin Impervious Cover Calculation Criteria - https://library.municode.com/tx/austin/codes/environmental_criteria_manual?nodeId=S1WAQUMA_1.8.0IMCOCACR
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