Greening Up My Act
For skeptics of sustainable products, learn how to spot greenwashing in the wild. This sustainability podcast is hosted by two marketing writers — Kat and Tiff — who reveal the sneaky tactics brands use so you can avoid getting tricked by green hooey.
Greening Up My Act
Can I Replace My Lawn With Clover?
Kat Cox & Tiffany Verbeck
Episode 41
Clover lawns are all the rage — but should they be? Hosts Tiff and Kat answer:
- What eco-friendly claims do folks make about clover yards? Are they true?
- Why is Reddit so uncomfy?
- What are the disadvantages of clover lawns?
Explore how to spot greenwashing in the world of clover lawns with your two favorite marketing writers in this upbeat sustainability podcast.
- Martha Stewart: https://www.marthastewart.com/8322420/clover-lawns
- Gardenia Creative Gardens: https://www.gardenia.net/guide/native-plant-alternatives-to-trifolium-repens
- Podcast: Backyard Ecology episode on clover: https://www.backyardecology.net/clovers-native-clover-conservation-clover-yards-and-more/
- Reddit - No Lawns subreddit specifically covering Clover: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/wiki/meta/clover/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1#wiki_clover_controversy
- The Spruce: https://www.thespruce.com/all-about-clover-lawns-6362145
- Bob Vila: https://www.bobvila.com/articles/clover-lawn/
- Wild Ones garden designs: https://nativegardendesigns.wildones.org/designs/
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